Step 1
Step 2
Personal details

Enter your personal details. Fields marked with * are mandatory. 

Do you already have an account
at PlusPort?

Not all required fields are filled in correctly.

Step 3
Member Information

Just register myself

Add the extra information below. We need this information for your certificate. Afterwards, click the Continue button. Fields marked with * are mandatory. 

Date of birth

Register multiple course members

Below you can enter the personal details for individual course members. You can add up to five course members bij clicking the 'Add course members' button. If necessary, you can edit the chosen package, date en location of each member by clicking the 'Edit' button. Fields marked with * are mandatory. Afterwards, click the 'Continue' button.

If you wish to register more than 5 course members, you may benefit from our discounts. Enter the amount of course members you would like to register and (optional) a description of the assignment. In addition you\'ll receive a proposal from us as soon as possible. Fields marked with * are mandatory. 

Not all required fields are filled in correctly.

Certificates will be sent registered.

Step 4

Below you'll find a summary of the data you entered. Check if these are correct. If something's wrong you can edit this by going back to that specific step. After you've checked the data, click Continue. 

I agree with the general conditions and have taken note of the privacy statement

You have to agree with the general conditions to continue.

Keep met posted about 112BHV

Step 5

Below you'll find a summary of the courses/exams you've selected. Choose your way of payment.

Package Price Amount Total

Payment failed!

Something went wrong during the process of payment. Therefore you haven't payed and your registration can't be processed.

Please contact our Customer Support at +31 070 322 9090. They have received your personal details and will help you make your registration final.

Payment failed!

Something went wrong during the process of payment. Therefore you haven't payed and your registration can't be processed.

Please contact our Customer Support at +31 070 322 9090. They have received your personal details and will help you make your registration final.

Betaling mislukt. (Wirecard)

Enter your discountcode

Pay with


Application sent!

Thank you for your application. Your data has been received and is being processed. We will contact you as soon as possible. 

If you have any pressing questions, you can always contact our friendly Customer Support: ??????????????.

Registration completed!

Thank you for  registering! We have received your registration and the information is being processed. You will receive an email to confirm the personal details you gave us. Please check if these are correct.  If something is wrong, please contact our friendly Customer Support as soon as possible at ??????????????

Thank you again for subscribing. We wish you and/or your course members a lot of learning fun!

Registration completed!

Thank you for  registering! We have received your registration and the information is being processed. You'll receive an email to confirm the personal details you gave us. Please check if these are correct.  If something is wrong, please contact our friendly Customer Support as soon as possible at ??????????????.

Thank you again for registering. We wish you and/or your course members a lot of learning fun!

Registration completed!

Thank you for registering! We have received your registration and the information is being processed. You will receive an email to confirm the personal details you gave us. Please check if these are correct.  If something's wrong, please contact our friendly Customer Support as soon as possible at ??????????????.

Thank you again for registering. We wish you and/or your course members a lot of learning fun!

Bedankt! Uw betaling is ontvangen. (Wirecard)